Forward view from a kayak on a calm binational river, with contemporary bridges featuring twisted architecture spanning across the water against a blue sky background, creating a seamless connection between the parklands on either side.

Uniting Communities

Binational River Park

Laredo, Texas, USA - Nuevo Laredo, MX | The U.S. - Mexico Border

Two Nations, One Community. An Abrazo Between Los Dos Laredos.

6.2 Mile Stretch of the Rio Grande River
1,000 Acre Park evenly split with 500 Acres on Each Side


City of Laredo
United States Embassy Mexico

Project Status

Visioning and Concept Design

Size of Project

6.2 Miles 1000 Acres


Able City

I was really touched by the poetic aspect of using a river as a bridge and dealing with the challenges of our politics… You can use a project with an infrastructure goal like this to really change the needle and make the world a better place.

Jury Commentary by Texas Society of Architects

Driven by the local community, this pioneering project champions river restoration and economic revitalization while fostering cultural celebration. It is a metaphorical and literal bridge, reuniting a community divided by a geo-national border. This initiative strengthens a centuries-old relationship between the U.S. and Mexico and enhances security on both sides of the border. The first of its kind, this international park spans 6.2 miles of river frontage and over 1,000 acres in both countries. It sets a precedent for border cities worldwide. Two Nations. One Community. One River. One Park.

Culture is created when people have shared values that influence the way we act. Our role as designers is to create a physical place where that actually can happen

Richard M. Archer, Overland Senior Principal

Let’s design a greener future together.

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