A modern, illuminated building with a tall, geometric design stands against the cityscape at night. Nearby, people walk on the surrounding streets, reflecting on the importance of education and tolerance promoted by places like the Dallas Holocaust Museum.

Remembrance and Progress

Dallas Holocaust Museum – Center for Education and Tolerance

Dallas, Texas, USA

A beacon of light – taking the grave and somber reality of the Haulocaust and using it to inspire tolerance in those who experience the exhibits.

Project Size

54,000 SF

Project Status

Concept - Unbuilt


Studio Joseph

More than simply educating visitors on the historical events of the WWII-era genocide, the museum takes them into the roots of genocide and the uprising of the human spirit in its aftermath. Like hope itself, the design is simple in geometry but rich in experience. The tower rises on the northern edge of the site from a single-story plinth, creating a building that is both urbane and monumental. Meanwhile the façade juxtaposes white marble and translucent channel glass for alternating experiences of light.

Beginning in an orientation room, visitors follow a meandering path through exhibition spaces that detail a history of the Holocaust and other acts of genocide, the development of the human rights movement, and the legacy of these events. The journey culminates in a space for contemplation and a call for action: a single drop of water at the center of a shallow pool creates a series of ripples that extends to the pool’s perimeter, symbolizing the great effects that can be made by a single individual.

In addition to the permanent exhibitions, the full-service museum contains a library, theater, and additional support areas. The museum is set in Dallas’s West End, a historic area with a relatively dense, dark fabric of red brick and industrial space. The area has recently become a thriving cultural area, and the design for the museum contributes to the revitalized spirit, a welcome note of texture in the urban palette, and a constant reminder of the beauty found in diversity.


2016 Architizer A+ Awards – Unbuilt Cultural Projects Finalist

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