Twilight view of a monument featuring tall stone structures and a curved pathway, with lights illuminating the scene against a backdrop of city buildings and a darkening sky.

Elevating Tradition, Honoring Loss

Texas A&M University Bonfire Memorial

College Station, Texas, USA

A Tribute to Resilience and Unity – A Place of Reflection and Remembrance.


Texas A&M University


4,300 SF

Completed in


Named one of the most profound monuments in the country alongside Mount Rushmore and Gettysburg in Judith Dupré’s Monuments: America’s History in Art and Memory (2007), the Bonfire Memorial comprises three distinct elements, each meticulously designed to commemorate the cherished tradition of the Bonfire while honoring the memory of those lost and injured.

The Tradition Plaza serves as a contemplative space for gathering, featuring the Spirit Wall which displays the words of the Last Corps Trip poem. Facing north, the History Walk is adorned with 89 granite stones, symbolizing the 90-year history of Bonfire, with a gap representing the years Bonfire did not burn due to historical events.

Surrounding the site of the 1999 Bonfire, the Spirit Ring boasts 12 engraved bronze portals, portraits paying tribute to the individuals who perished in the tragedy. Connected by 27 stones with bronze inlays, the portals also recognize those who were injured, while a black granite marker at the center of the Spirit Ring marks the exact location and time of the collapse.

Designed to evoke the spirit of the Twelfth Man tradition, the memorial invites visitors to step into the portals, symbolizing the act of filling the void left by those lost and embodying the ethos of unity and support. Every aspect of the memorial invites visitors to reflect, remember, and embrace the enduring spirit of the Aggie community.


2006 Texas Society of Architects Design Award

2005 Mason Contractors Association of America International Excellence in Masonry

2005 Texas Masonry Council Golden Trowel Award

2005 AIA San Antonio Honor Award for Design

2002 National Design Competition

We wanted to make sure you’d walk away with a glimpse of who they were. And how do you know them? By their name, face, signature, class year, what they thought and what others thought about them.

Robert L. Shemwell, Overland Senior Principal

The Memorial itself is a wonderful tribute to the tradition that our daughter loved so much and to our children’s memories. We are grateful for the care and attention to detail that you put into its design and construction. We also are grateful to Overland Partners for the compassionate, kind way we were always treated throughout the past seven years.

Larry & Neva Hand, Parents of a Victim

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